Year in Review – 2015 Medals (Bling Bling)

December 31, 2015

A double post day! This one is a bit lighthearted (if you could not tell by my title)– my 2015 medal haul! Last year I put together a collage of my medals and I thought it would be fun to do the same again for 2015.  Voila!

Year in Review – 2015 Medals (Bling Bling)

My Favorite Medal: Marine Corps Marathon 

 Runner Up: Cherry Blossom 10 Miler


The Spinning Medals: Philadelphia Love Run and St. Michaels Half Marathon 

Loved the Love Run medal…the St. Michaels medal…meh…

The Largest Medal: Bird in Hand Half Marathon 

Most Unique Medal: Across the Bay 10K and Quantico Sprint Triathlon

The Across the Bay 10K medal is part of a puzzle, I have the 2014 medal as well.

What was your favorite medal this year?

Year in Review – 2015 Running by the Numbers

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Run Jenny Run
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      1. Run Jenny Run

        It was pretty unique – I know some people weren’t too fond of it.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Anniversary medals are so nice. Sometimes I forget too, and use a shirt for a background 🙂

    1. I love how you got so many cool medals this year! Not sure which of my medals this year was my favorite really… probably my turkey trot 5k one because it’s a turkey being chased by a train (it was held in a railroad town), and I love the expression “pain train” for races, so it kinda fits. I love unique medals and ones that spin!
      Amy Lauren recently posted…Weekly Rundown: December 21-27My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha that is cute! I find races are getting more creative each year.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        So many 5K and 10Ks give out medals now! Looking forward to all your Cali races and adventures.

    1. Wow, these are running goals! Awesome post of your amazing little running adventures! Thanks so much for sharing, I hope your 2016 running year is as successful as 2015 was!

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