

Shamrock Half Training 2/2-2/8 – Week 3

The weekend goes by so quickly! I definitely have the case of the Mondays! Monday 2/2 - 1 mile  Tuesday 2/3 - 2 miles + 60 minutes personal training Wednesday 2/4 - Rest day  Thursday 2/5 - 2.3 miles + 60 minutes personal training Friday 2/6 - Rest day  Saturday 2/7 - Langley 8K  Sunday 2/8 - Rest day Total: 10.27 miles This week called for a 10K for my long run (I follow a modified version of Hal Higdon’s intermediate half marathon plan for long…

Shamrock Half Training – 1/19-1/25 – Week 1

Last Monday marked the end of my Charleston Half Marathon training posts.  Marred with injuries and the flu, I look forward to a fresh start as I begin (well transition) training for my next goal race, the Shamrock Half Marathon. I will also participate in the Dolphin challenge, which also consists of an 8K the day before.  Image: Shamrock Marathon Monday 1/19 - 45 minutes personal training (work ran over) Tuesday 1/20 - Rest day  Wednesday 1/21 - Rest day Thursday…

Weekly Workout/Training in Review 6/8-6/14

June 16, 2014 Monday, already?!? Weekends sure go by quickly! Picture from Monday’s run in Rock Creek Park Sunday 6/8 - Rest day Monday 6/9 - 4 miles running Tuesday 6/10 - 1 mile elliptical + 60 minute training session + 2 mile walk Wednesday 6/11 - Rest day + Marathon training kick off meeting Thursday 6/12 - Rest day Friday 6/13 - 1 mile elliptical + 60 minute training session Saturday 6/14 - 1 mile walk  Total: 9 miles My total mileage decreased by 3…

Weekly Workout/Training in Review 6/1-6/7

June 9, 2014 This month is definitely off to a better start! Sunday 6/1 - 5 miles Monday 6/2 - Rest day Tuesday 6/3 - 2 miles elliptical + 60 minute training session Wednesday 6/4 - 2 miles walking  Thursday 6/5 - 2 miles elliptical + 60 minute training session Friday 6/6 - 1 mile walking Saturday 6/7 - Rest day Total: 12 miles My total mileage was more than 2x than the previous week.  I like getting back into a routine!  The highs from last…

Weekly Workout/Training in Review 5/25-5/31

June 2, 2014 I love short work weeks - I had a relaxing weekend with some of my favorite people and caught up on some much needed sleep! I think (and hope) my schedule is back to “normal” next week. This was a much better workout week than last week.  Although the number of rest days were greater than the number of exercise days, I am glad it was not zero.  Sunday 5/25 - Rest day Monday 5/26 - Rest day Tuesday…

Weekly Workout/Training in Review 5/11-5/24

May 26, 2014 Happy Memorial Day!  Thanks to those who served our country.  I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend, whether it be away, at home, or at the pool!  I definitely needed this long weekend!! As you may have noticed - it was pretty quiet on the blogging + tweeting + commenting front.  In the past two weeks I worked insane hours (150 + nearing project completion) - which left little time for sleeping or writing.   Because more…

Weekly Workout/Training in Review 5/4-5/10

May 12, 2014 This past week has been a blur! While I am 100% recovered from my cold, work has been consuming my free time and all other hours of my life (late nights + early mornings).  Unfortunately I had more “Rest days” than workout days -my total mileage for this week only increased by one. Sunday 5/4 - Rest day Monday 5/5 - Rest day Tuesday 5/6 - Rest day Wednesday 5/7 - Rest day Thursday 5/8 - Rest day Friday 5/9 - 1 mile…