

Turkish/Georgian Vacation Recap – Part 2

Missed Part 1? After spending a fun afternoon in New York City, I headed back to JFK Airport for my overnight flight to Turkey.  I settled in my nice window seat, watched some good movies (Rio and the Butler), and fell asleep.  I am pretty lucky when it comes to long haul flights - I can sleep the entire plane ride! Before I knew it, I landed in Istanbul a little after 10:00am.  I went through customs (note - US…

Turkish/Georgian Vacation Recap – Part 1

A couple of weeks I was vacationing in Istanbul, Turkey and Tbilisi, Georgia.  For those unfamiliar with those two countries, they are located in Europe/Asia and border the Black Sea. Image: Google Maps Due to a combination of work, life and procrastination I did not book my airline ticket until a month prior to my trip (I know bad Jen).  I originally looked at a direct flight from DC to Istanbul (would leave after work on Friday), but in a…

Friday Five-Favorite Travel Photos of 2013

December 27, 2013 My first (and last) Friday Five…in 2013 that is!  I really enjoy the weeks leading up to the New Year-it is a time spent on reflection, goal setting and of course family time.  When I first shared my blog with my cousin (and avid reader!), she liked that I incorporated my travels into my posts (you mean running isn’t 24/7? :) ) Here are my favorite five travel photos from 2013: 1. Frenchmen Street, New Orleans, Louisiana…

SeaWheeze Half Marathon Race Recap-Part 3

October 3, 2013 Missed Part 1 and Part 2? Sunset at Kitsilano “Kits” Beach Pre-Race Yoga After the expo we headed to Cambie Street to see the lululemon lab-this store is only in Vancouver.  They design and sell their own exclusive line of innovative and functional clothing (think black, white, greys).  They plan on opening other lululabs in other major cities-what a cool concept! We headed to the town of Kitsilano for some dinner + yoga.  Kitsilano, once a sleepy…