

Marine Corps Marathon Training T-1–10/19-10/25

I'm here, I'm here! Sorry for the hiatus - this blog is still (and will be) very much alive! It has been a little cray cray at work the past month, leaving me exhausted in the evening. Last night I came home and passed out in my bed around 7:00PM (with a mini wake up moment around 9:30PM).  Okay...time to catch up (this title really should be T-1 AND some).  Some of you know this already... nine days ago I…

2015 Quantico Sprint Triathlon Recap

Yay....the 2015 Quantico Sprint Triathlon Recap is up! One of my goals this year was to complete my third sprint triathlon.  The last time I participated in a triathlon was in 2011 (DC Tri - which no longer exists and the Dog Days of Summer Tri).  In February I signed up for the Quantico Triathlon - I was super excited! Image: Quantico Triathlon  Swimming, biking, will be a cinch...right?! Oh we know how my summer went :) Packet Pickup…

Need Your Help Picking a Race!

June 1st is approaching...which means race price increases (here is an old post on Race Registration Savings Tips)! As you all know I am tweaking my Chicago Marathon training plan this weekend.  Like last year, I plan on incorporating some races as part of my long runs this summer/fall (at marathon pace).  This is where I need your help...I am torn between two races for my 20 miler weekend (not too concerned about swag): Race Option #1 - Navy Air…