

Montréal/Québec City Vacation Part 3

October 16, 2014 Missed Part 1 or Part 2? After 3 days in Montréal my mom and I headed to our final destination, Québec City.   The city is also known as Ville de Québec to differentiate itself from the province and sits northeast of Montreal.  We took VIA Rail Canada - it was both scenic and quick (the train ride was approximately 3 hours and there was free wifi).  We arrived at the Gare de train Québec (train station) and…

Montréal/Québec City Vacation Part 1

Bonjour… this time from Canada! I just wrapped up my Turkish/Georgian vacation, and now on to my Canadian adventures from last month. Image: Wikipedia You may recall March and May were very hectic for me due to work/project commitments.  Unfortunately I had to miss a family vacation to France.  Because my mom is pretty awesome, she booked a vacation for us to go to Montréal and Québec City (remember my food recap here?)  Because of their French history my mom thought it…