

Marine Corps Marathon Training T-1–10/19-10/25

I'm here, I'm here! Sorry for the hiatus - this blog is still (and will be) very much alive! It has been a little cray cray at work the past month, leaving me exhausted in the evening. Last night I came home and passed out in my bed around 7:00PM (with a mini wake up moment around 9:30PM).  Okay...time to catch up (this title really should be T-1 AND some).  Some of you know this already... nine days ago I…

Marine Corps Marathon Training T-2–10/12-10/18

Surprised by my blog title?!  Image: Marine Marathon  Remember back in March I received a “second chance registration” email from MCM and and proceeded to sign up for the 40th Marine Corps Marathon?  I decided Chicago would be my “A” race and MCM would be for “fun”….oooh I definitely questioned my decision making/sanity while running Chicago last week: 11:26AM: Only halfway through and my quad is pinching, how will I run another marathon in 2 weeks?! 1:36PM: My quad is hurting and its so hot....I'll…

Need Your Help Picking a Race!

June 1st is approaching...which means race price increases (here is an old post on Race Registration Savings Tips)! As you all know I am tweaking my Chicago Marathon training plan this weekend.  Like last year, I plan on incorporating some races as part of my long runs this summer/fall (at marathon pace).  This is where I need your help...I am torn between two races for my 20 miler weekend (not too concerned about swag): Race Option #1 - Navy Air…

Marine Corps Marathon-Second Chance Registration!

Less than a week ago I received an email from the Marine Corps organization informing me I was not selected for the 40th running of the marathon (thank you for all your comments and to friends who offered to find a bib).  This morning I was checking my email when I saw this:   In case the image is too small, "The sport of running could define your circumstance as a 'false start.'  At the Marine Corps Marathon, let's just consider…