Running the USA + DC

April 7, 2016

Yesterday I had dinner with my friends Nathasha (check out her blog Running the States) and Emily.  You probably remember them from my Charleston and Philadelphia Love Run recaps (Rehoboth coming soon).  It it always super fun catching up with them – life, work, travel, and of course running! We have some 2017 plans sketched out that I am very excited about, one that hopefully includes a west coast visit. Okay, Jennifer…so how is this related to this post? 

PS – Thanks to the Mar for the map hookup! 
PPS – Thanks to Kathleen for proofing my map πŸ™‚

One of my lifetime goals is to run a half or full in every state, so a lot of our chit chat revolved around races in different states (Nathasha also has the same goal…hence her blog title).  I’ve alluded to it in the past, but never wrote a post about it until now.  So far I have run 4 marathons and 25 half marathons, but have only covered 9 states and the District of Columbia (repeat states). 

States completed are shaded in blue and states planned for 2016 are shaded in grey.  I have a 50 States tab in my header that will keep track of my progress and point to my race recaps (tagging them is a work in progress).  I have a wish list spreadsheet, but always interested to hear what others have done and their recommendations.  

Do you have any race recommendations? (specially for the states in white) 

Do you have the same or similar goal? 

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Run Jenny Run
More about Run Jenny Run

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll have to look in it – Is aw they renamed it to Run Charlotte? Also, I’m signed up for the Bridge Run this April.

    1. Such a fun goal to have! You’ll get different scenery each time and you may go some places you would have never gone had it not been for the race!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I was just looking at that one! I think I will have to make multiple trips to NC – so many good ones in the state.

    1. I love that map! What a fun goal– something you can be pursuing for years to come! For Wisconsin, check out the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon. Houston is a great option for Texas, and RNR Arizona for Arizona!
      Elizabeth C. recently posted…Two Weeks Until Boston!My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Great idea! I should send Kathleen a note. Hope recovery is going well today.

    1. AUSTIN, TEXAS!! Seriously, would love to host you here! Plus, maybe by then I’ll be brave enough to tackle a Half! *I hope to run one in 2017.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I’ll be in Austin next July! That is a good goal for next year. Hope you had a nice summer.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Aww thanks! Would love to run a race with ya’ll. Excited to meet more of you in South Caroline this April.

    1. I live in Kansas City, and the Rock the Parkway half is awesome! There is also the Kansas City Marathon, which is good too. On the Kansas side, you should look for the Garmin Marathon.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Rock the Parkway looks like fun (looked at recaps online) – thanks for the suggestion, I never heard of it. The Garmin Marathon looks like a cute race, love their medals.

    1. In Maine you should run the Mount Desert Island Half–weather is perfect, scenery is gorgeous and you can visit Acadia National Park afterward to stretch out your legs afterward!
      Stacey recently posted…Highlights From Last WeekMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks for the offer! One day for sure. My mom and I were interested this year, but they said they didn’t take walkers …even though my mom’s pace (13mm) is under the 14mm requirement πŸ™ Looks like you had a good time!

    1. What a fun goal! Are these just running races that you’ll count?
      I’ve got the Hatfield and McCoy marathon in Kentucky on my list.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Yes, just running races. I wonder if I should add certain tri distances once I start participating in more of those. My friend Natasha ( just ran Hatfield and McCoy this past June!

    1. So fun! I have the same goal, but just want to complete a race in each state. I need to get serious about knocking some down though. Might have to track down some nifty map gadget as well.
      Alaina @ The Simple Peach recently posted…Training UpdateMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I bet you have a lot! Love all the travel you do. Let me know if you would like me to set you a copy. It is a PPT template.

    1. This is so cool – what a fantastic goal! When you get around to doing Wisconsin, I recommend either Lakefront Marathon or the Milwaukee Running Festival Marathon. While I can’t speak to the Running Festival’s marathon course, I know the race director and he always puts on great races. I did the 5k last year (first year of the race) and it was fantastic. And I’ve done Lakefront Marathon three times and it’s a wonderful event. A point to point course and you get to run through lots of pretty areas, including finishing on Milwaukee’s lakefront!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Lauren also recommended Lakefront. I may have to make multiple trips to WI πŸ™‚ Thanks, Sun!

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