PRR Distance Training Program Kickoff (DC)

June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

Last Wednesday I attended Potomac River Running’s Distance Training Program kickoff for the DC group.  It was held at their new Penn Quarter store by Gallery Place/Verizon Center (they closed the Cleveland Park location). 


Image: Potomac River Running DC

I arrived 15 minutes early (surprise surprise) to a quasi empty store. People quickly trickled in from work and from the 6:30 Fun Run (every Wednesday).  We signed in and received a tech tee and water bottle.

PRR provided pizza, beer and water (I already ate so I opted for the water).  There was time to chit chat with the other runners.  Introvert Jennifer crept in, my b-school professors would be so disappointed (and I am fine at work).  Everyone seemed to know each other already!  I was just being a little (ok alot) irrational; I didn’t want to interrupt them. The group was friendly, there was a lot of smiling and laughter, and of course everyone was talking about running (easy topic Jennifer).  I finally did join a conversation and it was fine. 

We were then introduced to Coach Taneen or Coach “T”.  In addition to her amazing resume – Boston, Ironman, etc (check out her website), she had a great personality (she also remembered names – which is always impressive).  After Coach T’s introduction, we went over the following:

  • Program logistics/information
  • Expectations
  • Hydration/fueling
  • Clothing/misc running stuff
  • Q&A

I learned the DC program has over 150 runners, with 80% veteran runners (hello Pareto rule <- econ nerd here).  Coach T also runs the optional track workouts in Arlington and DC during the week.

I left the kickoff feeling excited! Can’t wait to begin this training cycle. 

Are you an introvert/extrovert when it comes to meeting new people?

Other PRR sites – how was your kickoff meeting?

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