NYC Marathon Training 9/8-9/14 – Week 13

September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014

And just like that Monday is here again. Before I start with my training recap I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my cousin Steph

Monday 9/8 – Rest day

Tuesday 9/9 – Rest day

Wednesday 9/10 – Rest day

Thursday 9/11 – 2 miles + 60 minutes personal training

Friday 9/12 – 3 miles + 60 minutes personal training

Saturday 9/13 – Rest day

Sunday 9/14 – 3 miles + Navy Air Force Half + 2 mile walk 

Total: 23 miles

My routine is almost back to normal! While my total mileage should have been a tad higher this week (I try to run 4 days), it was 5 miles more that last week. I should be able to check off all my planned runs for this upcoming week. I had two training sessions on Thursday and Friday that definitely left me sore (in a good way).  I lost some strength in my lower body while being away, so it is nice to get back into a routine with Nicole

This week called for an 18-20 mile long run (I usually opt for the lower number).  Because the 3rd Annual Navy Air Force Half Marathon/5K (recap coming tomorrow) was held this past Sunday, I decided to use that race as part of my training run.  I ran 2 miles to the start, ran 1 mile around the start, ran the half, and walked 2 miles back home.  Here is a pic from mile 3 of my pre-race run.


Finisher’s medal for half marathon #16.


There were quite a few social highlights this week! A lowkey Tuesday night with Thai food and a movie, catching up with my friend Gerri in Bethesda, tacos on Saturday night, and football Sunday! I also had a chance to bake Cyanne’s Apple Crisp on Sunday evening – it was so good.


How was your weekend?

Have you started baking fall goodies?

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