Friday Five – Favorite Water Bottles

April 8, 2016

Happy Fri-yay! I’m en route to Cincinnati, Ohio – my first time in the Buckeye State! Cliff’s cousin is having her wedding reception this weekend so we are road tripping there (yes we like to drive haha).  Today I am sharing five of my favorite water bottles (non-running) and linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia.  Totally counts under the theme of food + drink, right? πŸ˜‰ 

1. S’well + S’ip by S’well Bottles 

S’well water bottles have been popping up everywhere the past couple of years. They keep drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours + they do not sweat. I love mine and use it in the office.  A couple of weeks ago I was pleased to find out that the company rolled out a new line at Target called S’ip by S’well.  They hold 15oz and come in a variety of prints (note – the website says the bottles will keep drinks at the right temperature, but does not specify the time like S’well).  

I picked up these..and no they are not all for me.  I am keeping the pineapple one πŸ™‚ 

2. Lululemon Glass Water Bottle

Cliff bought me a Lululemon Glass Water Bottle (has a rubbery sleeve) – I usually rotate this between the office and barre class, my co-workers probably think I have a problem πŸ˜› How many water bottles can a girl have? 

3. Nuun Water Bottles 

I do like picking up the commemorative Nuun bottles – I have ones from New York, Chicago, Marine Corps and Shamrock. They bring back many memories when I use them (usually during spin class).  


4. O2COOL Mist ‘N Sip Water Bottle 

A couple years ago my brother bought me an O2COOL Mist ‘N Sip water bottle for Christmas. Part water bottle and part mister, there is a trigger that squirts mist.  I’ve brought this along for hikes during the summer months.  

5. Whole Foods Wide Mouth Water Bottle (BPA Free) 

Last year I purchased this water bottle at the Whole Food’s flagship store in Austin, Texas. It holds 32oz of water and I like using it for hot yoga. 


I do have a bunch of freebie water bottles from races and running stores sitting in my kitchen cupboards…I should use the KonMarie Method and throw them out (I just finished The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo).  

Do you have multiple water bottles? 

What is your favorite? (Running or non-running) 



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Run Jenny Run
More about Run Jenny Run

    1. I have an obsession with water bottles and was so disappointed the Nuun would not have a bottle in London for the marathon. πŸ™ However, I do buy the commemorative ones just like you and look forward to adding to my collection in Chicago at some point! Glass water bottles seem easier to clean, but I tend to stick with plastic ones.
      Pam recently posted…Five Goals for London MarathonMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Bummer to hear Nuun was not in London. I guess they will not be there in Berlin. I just did a kitchen clean out and parted with some (old) bottles from college.

    1. I like water bottles too! The S’well ones look really elegant, I may just have to pop into Target and pick up one. Right now I’m using a Life Factory glass water bottle.

    1. I’ve got two, but their standard ones without any patterns. My smaller one is blue, and I use that for my iced tea for tea, and the bigger one is green. I use that one for my workouts and fitness classes. I tried a handheld water bottle for my runs, but I don’t like carrying anything in my hands.

    1. Great post. I saw those Swell bottles at Target a few days ago and they looked interesting. I don’t like to clean stuff, so I basically just re-use a bottle of Deer Park water a bunch of times until I recycle it. I even race with it– easy to hold.
      Elizabeth C. recently posted…Two Weeks Until Boston!My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        True! I think I need to a get a different brush to clean my water bottles…downside of it.

    1. I have a ridiculous obsession with water bottles! most of them I’ve received from some place or another. I recently did a closet clean out and took some items to Goodwill. I need to do that again. I’d love a Swell bottle but they are pretty pricey and I have SO many! My favorite is my Rove infusion bottles from last year’s Fit Foodie ambassador haul!
      Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…5 Favorite Sick Time Recovery FoodsMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Oooh the Rove infusion bottle looks neat. Would a good idea to donate bottles to goodwill…didn’t think of that!

    1. I used to run with a Nathan handheld w/a phone pocket, but I got a Amphipod Hydraform Handheld as race swag and I really like it. Less bulky, but still holds a lot. (Plus all my Oiselle bottoms have phone pockets now ha.) I didn’t realize this was your first time to Ohio! I’m glad you’re going to Cincy – it’s a nice city. Obviously Columbus is better, but only if you have a tour guide. πŸ˜‰ Have fun!
      Elizabeth recently posted…Friday Five: Prepping for the ORRRC HalfMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Cincy was nice! I look forward to going back and maybe one day go to Columbus πŸ™‚ I’ll have to check out the Amphipod Hydraform Handheld at my running store next time I’m there.

    1. Wow! that’s a lot of water bottles! pretty awesome!

      I’m considering buying a glass bottle, because I’m trying to be more environmental. But I have an irrational fear of reusable plastic bottles.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha I know.. too much πŸ™‚ Yeah I have a tiny fear of the old plastic bottles, I had to throw some out from my college years.

    1. I don’t have any water bottles, LOL ! As we have bottled water in France, I just stick with that. I didn’t even know all these water bottles were a thing.

      I do have a container to keep my coffee hot. Does that count ?
      Karen @ Fit in France recently posted…Paris Marathon Race RecapMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Interesting! Haha yes.. the container counts πŸ™‚ Looking fwd to catching up on your posts.

    1. I have two that I’m loving right now: the Camelbak Insulated Chill comes to the pool deck and is in my bike cage. On my desk and around the house I love my Lifefactory glass water bottle. It has a silicone sleeve. Pink!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Ahh you are the second person that has a Lifefactory glass water bottle! I had to Google the Camelbak waterbottle, I’ve seen that on many bikes!

    1. Oh God, I have a ton of them. Many from races. They all seem to come in handy at certain times.

      I tend to prefer stainless steel, although I’ve gotten away from them. Contigo makes a great one that has a little storage compartment and doesn’t leak (not stainless steel, although I think they make them, too).

      Now you’ve made me homesick for Austin Whole Foods. I sooooo miss that store! We got a whole paycheck here a couple of years ago, but it’s not quite the same.
      Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…A Tale of 2 Runs: 4/4-10 Weekly WrapMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Aww..maybe they will open one near you someday. I never heard of Contigo, they look cute!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Ooh they are soo cute! I really like their mugs too (although I do not own one).

    1. Ugh, I have way too many water bottles and I use the same ones over and over, so I probably need to read that book haha! I just got the dachshund sip by swell and love it! Although they aren’t great for fitness classes, I love the tumblers with a straw. I feel like I drink way more water that way (and I love it for car rides, too!). I hope you had a great time at the wedding!

    1. I’ve heard really good things about the S’well! My favorite bottle right now is definitely the bkr bottle. And they come in such fun colors too! πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Those are really cute!! Maybe I need to get rid of a few more to get one of those πŸ˜›

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