Friday Five – Favorite Things at the Moment IV

June 12, 2015

Hello Friday and hello heat!  Tomorrow I will be try to wake up early (5:30-6:00AM) for my long run (5-8 miles).  I think I will spend the rest of the weekend indoors or at the pool (got to get my swim on).   

Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and sharing Five Favorite Things at the Moment IV (looking forward to reading all of your summer activity posts – maybe I will get some new ideas).  In no particular order: 

1. Nathan VaporMax Plus Handheld

Last year I trained using Nathan’s QuickShot Plus, which held 10oz.  This meant I planned my long routes to pass multiple (working) water fountains, convenience stores, and gas stations.  This year I bought the VaporMax Plus, which holds 22oz.  

Image: Nathan VaporMax Plus Handheld

2. Skinny “Banana Cream Pie”  

Banana Cream Pie is one of my favorite desserts, and after some tinkering I made a skinny version of it.  Technically it is not a pie, but does its job with mirroring the taste and texture. I’ve also made “Strawberry Cream Pie” and “Blueberry Cream Pie”.. I suppose its more of a parfait. I’ll share my recipe next week! 

3. Running Shorts (the “Spandex” kind)

I pretty much live in black capris or leggings.  Last year I trained with capris all summer (I know…sounds crazy…but wasn’t too hot), but this year I’ve done a couple of runs in my Oiselle Long Flyte Shorts (yay for last year’s summer sale) and it is SO much cooler.  They have a four inch inseam so they are not too short.  I also found an old pair of my Moving Comfort shorts (circa 2007…not sure if they exist anymore) which will go into the rotation. 

4. Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter Ice Cream

Amazing! I have an un-opened carton in my fridge (still counting my calories), but will eventually open it up once my mileage gets higher πŸ™‚ It is vanilla ice cream with Belgian speculoos cookies and a ribbon of cookie butter. 

Image: Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter Ice Cream 

5. Pleasant Pops 

Pleasant Pops is a DC based company that sells…you guessed it…popsicles!  Their cold treats are original recipes made with fresh ingredients.   Here is a list of their Pop menu (they also sell food and drinks)….so many flavors!  In addition to their Adams Morgan and Downtown locations, they are sold at some of your favorite DC farmers markets.

Image: Pleasant Pops

Five Favorite Things at the Moment I from September 2014. 

Five Favorite Things at the Moment II from December 2014.

Five Favorite Things at the Moment III from February 2015.

Which hydration belts/vests/tools do you use? 

Popsicles vs. Ice Cream?

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Run Jenny Run
More about Run Jenny Run

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha I still LOVE my black capris πŸ™‚ I bought the cookie butter cookies…ate a couple and gave the rest to my friend, they are dangerous!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I should try my camelbak one day (I use it for biking or hiking), but I am afraid all the sweatyness will bother me…but then again I am going to be sweaty anyways… liking all the anniversary pics!

    1. Growing up I didn’t like ice cream at all, but lately I’ve been snacking on chocolate SO Delicious Coconut Milk ice cream. Mmmm. I also have a QuickShot and a 22oz QuickView. Gotta bring out the bigger bottle in the summer!

      I am not looking forward to waking up at 6 tomorrow either…
      Elizabeth recently posted…Friday Five: Favorite Summer ActivitiesMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I’ve never had SO Delicious ice cream before. I just had some coconut ice cream last week, it was delicious (not sure if it was made with actual coconut milk or regular milk). I’ll have to try it out this summer. And I definitely did not wake up at 5:30AM…oops!

    1. I gave up on my Nathan handheld because it always leaked. I have a Amphipod handheld which doesn’t leak but I still don’t enjoy carrying any thing. That ice creams sound very yummy! I’m still dragging my feet in starting my marathon training. I need to run 8 this weekend but probably won’t. Good luck with yours.
      HoHo Runs recently posted…My MotivationMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        When I Google Image Search Amphipod… I left out running and got the animal instead πŸ™‚ So far my Nathan is not leaking, but thanks for the heads up. I know my QuickShot leaked at times, but usually it was me not tightening the lid. Hope you had a good run this past weekend.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Nice, second comment with Amphipod! I haven’t seen them at the store (I may have skipped over it) – will need to check it out. Hope you had a great weekend!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Deborah! I probably won’t get to the post until later in the week, but I’ll mention the linkup and post it w/ the following week (I’ll recheck your linkup rules). Congrats to your daughter on her graduation. The instagram photo frame was adorable!

    1. I have 3 different size handhelds & I use them all! I used to run with an amphipod fuelbelt, which I actually did love, but I got tired of the chafing & it didn’t stay put. I haven’t tried a vest yet but I think about it.

      I used the water stops in my last 2 halfs but still brought a small water bottle to one & thank God because they ran out of cups at one stop, water at another (I’m a slow runner).
      Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Scavenger Run???My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I am starting to look like a bottle hoarder…and don’t get me started on waterbottles (currently 3 on my work desk haha). I am BOP of the race depending on the size of the race. Chicago I think I will bring my small handheld and carry it with me during the race (I did the same for NY). Hope you had a good weekend!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Good will power! Avoid the cookie butter cookies too πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Sooo many good (and interesting) flavors. Haha vintage – love it! I’m lucky they still have a good stretch to it still – almost like brand new πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Angela! I hope you will enjoy it. Will try to get it up by Thursday πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I love my Trader Joes πŸ™‚ Too bad they don’t have a popsicle shop where you live. Seems like something cute and small that would fit in a college town.

    1. Oooh I’m eagerly awaiting your banana cream pie recipe! I’d love the strawberry pie recipe, too! I am all about looking for healthier sweets in the summer because I crave them but it’s too hot to eat really heavy foods.
      Ali @ Hit the Ground Running recently posted…This Week In WorkoutsMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks! I’ll try to get it up on Thursday. Hope you will like it πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Such a difference, right? Key is long… anything shorter than what I have now = major chaffing.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Kudos for you not picking one up! I wish they sold them in single servings..although the quart is probably more economical πŸ™‚

    1. Ooooh – can’t wait to read your recipe for skinny cream pies. Sounds delish!

      When summer hits, I’m usually more of an ice cream person. Actually, I’m more of an ice cream person year round πŸ™‚ I love peanut butter cup, mint chip and pretty much anything with caramel. A local ice cream place in MKE also makes whiskey ice cream – that is pretty good, too!
      Sun recently posted…Rock ‘n Sole Quarter Marathon Race RecapMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha I am an ice cream person year round too…popsicles in the summer are an added treat. Whiskey ice cream sounds great! Yesterday we had gelato…soo good!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Same! I was a hydration belt user until a couple years ago. It is a bit freeing running without one.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        So nice when companies like that have a presence at farmers markets or mobile enough to move around town! Hope training is going well.

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