

Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland – Goodbye Germany

Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland - Goodbye Germany! Whenever I say goodbye in German I automatically think of Heidi Klum at the end of a Project Runway episode.  Anyways... I'm back home (we actually returned home Friday evening).  Overall it was a fun trip despite the bum foot. Toeing the Berlin Marathon blue line.    Next week I'll share my marathon planning post and my travel recaps (including all things Berlin Marathon and some exciting news I learned while I was there).  My foot…

Berlin Marathon Update

Hello from Berlin.  I have a mini update for everyone.  If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen the below picture on Wednesday morning.  What happened?! Tuesday evening I was going downstairs to throw the trash away (gotta keep the fruit flies away).  I was on the third to last step and, for some reason, I thought it was the last one.  I stepped down, anticipating the floor, and I fell.  The top left foot bore the weight of my fall.  There were…

2016 Annapolis Running Classic A-Team + Discount!

This past May the Annapolis Running Classic team asked if I was interested in returning as an Annapolis Running Classic Ambassador Team member aka the A-Team (search #NapRunATeam on social media). Of course I accepted!  The Annapolis Running Classic will be held on Saturday November 19, 2016.  There is a post race party with soup, beer and oysters.  I ran this race for the first time in the fall of 2013 - when I started getting into running again and blogging and again…

Guess Who’s Back, Back Again

Jennifer's back, tell a friend! Sorry for the corniness I couldn't resist a little Eminem. I can't believe I went (blogger) MIA! As most of you know, I started a new job in April. I thought a mini blogging hiatus may occur (mini as in a couple weeks) so I could acclimate to the new role and organization.  Well a couple weeks turned into a month, which turned into a couple months, and now five months. Don't worry, I'm not working 24/7, I just got…

Catching Up!

Hi Hi - Happy Monday!  I was on a blogging roll for a couple of weeks, then it got a little quiet around here.  I thought I would catch you all up:  The Kwanzan cherry blossoms are in bloom.  Aren't they pretty?  I prefer them over the Yoshino cherry blossoms. Thanks to Mandy for the Blossom 101 :) Work has been crazy the past two weeks..hence the lack of blogging, replying, commenting, and running :(  Why so bananas? I gave my two…

Running the USA + DC

Yesterday I had dinner with my friends Nathasha (check out her blog Running the States) and Emily.  You probably remember them from my Charleston and Philadelphia Love Run recaps (Rehoboth coming soon).  It it always super fun catching up with them - life, work, travel, and of course running! We have some 2017 plans sketched out that I am very excited about, one that hopefully includes a west coast visit. Okay, how is this related to this post?  PS - Thanks…

2016 St. Pat’s Run 5K Race Recap

St. Patrick's Day races - they are always fun and festive. Pacers Running typically hosts their St. Patrick's themed race the first weekend of March in Washington, DC.  Image: Pacers Running I've participated in their races for the past two years:  2014 St. Patrick's Day 8K  2015 St. Pat's 5K and 10K (Double) Last year was the inaugural running of the 5K and 10K.  The course was moved from Pennsylvania/Capitol area to the Mall/Tidal Basin.  You may recall it was snowing last…

Covered Bridges Half Training Week 2-3/28-4/3

Woah, how is it April already?! This week was filled with loads of runs and fun.  Image: Covered Bridges Half Marathon  One of the highlights....if you click on the left picture I made the Meb Selfie!    Great turn out to my pre @CUCB appearance @PRRunning. Stayed an extra hour to meet everyone after the Q&A. Thanks! — meb keflezighi (@runmeb) April 1, 2016 Monday 3/28 - 5 miles | 12:40 min/mile + 6 x 100 meter strides Downtown DC…

Friday Five – Recovery Tools and Gadgets

Happy Friday!  When I started running again (consistently) in 2013 - I was introduced to the wonderful topic of recovery. You mean recovery is more than a few stretches and lying in bed?! ;) Today I am sharing five of my recovery tools and gadgets and linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia. Note: These are not affiliate links - just haven't joined the program to do so (yet).   1. Rolling Rolling Rolling  Image: TriggerPoint I started off with a foam roller - ouch it hurt so good.…

2015 Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap

Five months it is...the 2015 Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap!  Since I waited this long, I thought it would be appropriate to post it the same day as the MCM Lottery results.   I originally signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon in case I did not get into the Chicago Marathon.  Lottery day I was notified I was not selected for MCM - it is okay Jennifer hopefully you'll get into Chicago (MCM lottery results are announced before Chicago, even…