

German Vacation Recap – Berlin – Part 1

Cliff and I spent nine fun days exploring Germany despite my little fall.  I posted a recap of the 2016 Berlin Marathon + Spectating last month, but in order to share ALL the details and pictures (this post is picture heavy) I wanted to document the trip in a four part series (by city). I know several of my running buddies and readers are planning trips for next year's marathon, so I wanted to start off with our trip city itinerary:  September 22-26: Berlin  September 26-27: Rothenburg ob…

2016 Berlin Marathon Expo + Good News + Spectating

This year the Berlin Marathon Expo also known as the Expo BERLIN VITAL was held at the Station de Berlin.  In previous years the expo was located at an old airport hanger (which looked so cool). I am not sure why they changed the location, but Station de Berlin is much closer to the city center.  Here is an excerpt from their website for a little history 101:  The history of STATION-Berlin begins around the same time as the birth of…

Before the Fall – My 2016 Berlin Marathon Countdown

Editor's Note: Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving with your friends and family.  The 2017 Berlin Marathon lottery results will be announced over the next two days, how exciting! I thought it would be a good time to share my 2016 Berlin Marathon Countdown post that I prepared before the marathon.  I was planning on sharing it before our flight to Germany, but we all know what happened the night before.  I have some fun posts lined up (foot update,…

Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland – Goodbye Germany

Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland - Goodbye Germany! Whenever I say goodbye in German I automatically think of Heidi Klum at the end of a Project Runway episode.  Anyways... I'm back home (we actually returned home Friday evening).  Overall it was a fun trip despite the bum foot. Toeing the Berlin Marathon blue line.    Next week I'll share my marathon planning post and my travel recaps (including all things Berlin Marathon and some exciting news I learned while I was there).  My foot…

Berlin Marathon Update

Hello from Berlin.  I have a mini update for everyone.  If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen the below picture on Wednesday morning.  What happened?! Tuesday evening I was going downstairs to throw the trash away (gotta keep the fruit flies away).  I was on the third to last step and, for some reason, I thought it was the last one.  I stepped down, anticipating the floor, and I fell.  The top left foot bore the weight of my fall.  There were…

Guess Who’s Back, Back Again

Jennifer's back, tell a friend! Sorry for the corniness I couldn't resist a little Eminem. I can't believe I went (blogger) MIA! As most of you know, I started a new job in April. I thought a mini blogging hiatus may occur (mini as in a couple weeks) so I could acclimate to the new role and organization.  Well a couple weeks turned into a month, which turned into a couple months, and now five months. Don't worry, I'm not working 24/7, I just got…

2015 Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap

Five months it is...the 2015 Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap!  Since I waited this long, I thought it would be appropriate to post it the same day as the MCM Lottery results.   I originally signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon in case I did not get into the Chicago Marathon.  Lottery day I was notified I was not selected for MCM - it is okay Jennifer hopefully you'll get into Chicago (MCM lottery results are announced before Chicago, even…

Year Ahead – 2016 Goals

Better late than never, I wanted to share my 2016 goals.  If you have been following my blog for the past couple of years (2014, 2015), I always had a long list of goals.  I realized some of the goals were more "bucket list" or "to do list" items, such as learning to knit and calligraphy...hmmm maybe another post. This year I wanted to take a more simplified approach to goal setting and narrowed it down to three categories: running, nutrition…

My Next Marathon – Jenny Runs _____________

After the Chicago (Part 1, Part 2) and Marine Corps Marathons I spent November and December relaxing, going on fun runs/races, attending yoga classes and hiking. I looked at my calendar and realized I ran three marathons in a year (Nov 2014-Oct 2015), crazy!  What's next?  Rewind nine months ago.  I was dreaming of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, croissants, baguettes and practicing my Francais.  A couple years ago I missed a family vacation to Paris because of a work project.  The 2016…

Chicago Marathon – Numbers and Lessons Learned

The Chicago Marathon (Part 1, Part 2) was three months ago - this quarter flew by! The weeks leading up to the marathon I dedicated posts to race related topics (Motivation,Logistics, Packing, Outfits).  I thought it would be appropriate to wrap up all things Chicago with a look at the numbers and lessons learned.  Lessons Learned This year I logged more miles training for Chicago vs. NYC, however, they were not all quality miles. The intervals, tempos, hill work - all those other runs that make…