Run Jenny Run's


Friday Five – Favorite Things at the Moment IV

Happy Friday! Another snowstorm paid a visit to DC yesterday, leaving us with 4-5 inches of snow.  While I am so ready for spring, I have to admit the city does look beautiful in the snow.  Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia. This week’s theme is Friday Favorites...I bring to you my fourth edition!  1. Bakehouse Almond Rooibos Tea Latte In my first Favorite Things at the Moment post I included my neighborhood bakery.  My friend Ali and I…

Monthly Goals – March 2015

February did not turn out as expected.  I was extremely happy to kick off the month injury free - the foot pain I experienced in December and January was finally gone! I was really excited to increase my mileage again, and thought my goals were challenging yet attainable.  Transitioning to a new/old project took more time than expected, and unfortunately the work/life balance took a hit (especially in the fitness department). Today I am going to recap my February goals…

Shamrock Half Training 2/23-3/1 – Week 6

I am very happy to see the month change from February to March.  While it is still cold out (DC had sleet/ice storm yesterday that left it very slippery out - be careful this morning), I am looking forward to warmer weather, spring races, and all other outdoor activities that come with it.  Monday 2/23 - Rest day Tuesday 2/24 - 1/2 mile + 60 minutes personal training Wednesday 2/25 - Rest day Thursday 2/26 - 60 minute sports massage Friday…

Friday Five – I Signed Up for a Triathlon

Friday is here! Looking forward to a weekend of running (St. Pat's Double), yoga, relaxing, catching up on blogs and comments, and House of Cards Season 3.  Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and as the title suggests, I signed up for a triathlon! Image: Quantico Tri 1. The Distance Hosted at the Marine Corps Base Quantico this third year event is a sprint triathlon consisting of: 750 meter open water swim 10 mile bike 5K…

Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition

Welcome to the first edition of Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition .  Okay okay okay....perhaps the blog makeover was not that extreme, but I could not resist the title. Thank you for all your kind words, shares, and help as I moved from this: to this: A couple months ago (how was December already 2 months ago?!) I shared my 2015 blogging goals: 1. Self-Hosting - Complete I purchased my domain in January and went with Bluehost (thanks to Courtney's blogger…

Shamrock Half Training 2/16-2/22 – Week 5

Happy Monday and welcome to my new home! This past weekend I moved my blog from Tumblr to Wordpress and I am quite happy with how it went (I was anticipating major hiccups).  I am still working through my "transition" list and learning to navigate WP (plugins, dashboard, widgets etc).  I will share my experience with everyone this week.  Now onto training: Monday 2/16 - Rest day Tuesday 2/17 - 1.5 miles Wednesday 2/18 - Rest day  Thursday 2/19 -…

A New Home for Run Jenny Run

I am happy to announce that Run Jenny Run has a new home! You can now follow my adventures at :)  The page is still a work in progress (more about that in a post this week), but it is up and running! Enjoy! Follow the new Run Jenny Run with Bloglovin

Friday Five – Races to Run in 2015

Happy Happy Happy Friday! Who is excited? Me! Why? No particular reason… short weeks always feel longer for some reason.  Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and this week’s theme is “Races to Run in 2015,”  I am going to share 5 races I am looking forward to the most. 1. Shamrock Dolphin Challenge Image: Shamrock Marathon Shocked? As a J&A Ambassador you’ve heard me profess my love for their races.  This is my first time…

Tasty Thursday – Austin Eats

One of my favorite aspects of traveling is exploring the local food scene.  Today I wanted to share some of my Austin Eats from this past weekend. On Friday we arrived shortly before noon with no plans for the day.  After some quick research we saw there was a restaurant close by called Moonshine Grill Patio and Bar.  Very cute, right? We were seated and given popcorn and cornbread as appetizers!  I know so many restaurants use mason jars as…

Shamrock Half Training 2/9-2/15 – Week 4

Good morning, ya’ll (had to use this since I am down south after all).  I’ve had a fun time in Austin, so sad to see the weekend (and warm weather) come to an end. Monday 2/9 - Rest day Tuesday 2/10 - Rest day  Wednesday 2/11- Rest day  Thursday 2/12 - 45 minutes personal training + 2 miles Friday 2/13 - Walking around Austin Saturday 2/14 - 4 miles + 60 minutes yoga  + 4 miles Sunday 2/15 - 3 miles + 60 minutes yoga…