Run Jenny Run's


St. Michael’s Half Training 4/20-4/26 – Week 5

Oh Monday... how do you sneak up on us so quickly! I am definitely singing "Monday Monday" of Mamas and Papas fame.... hopefully it will not be a "Manic Monday" a la Bangles today.  And I can't believe it is almost May! As per usual, I am linking up with Tara at Running n’ Reading for her Weekend Update. Painting of flowers in flowers.... you know I could not resist that shot! Monday 4/20- Rest day Tuesday 4/21 - 45 minutes…

Friday Five – Blogs to Read II

Happy Happy Friday! What a week - looking forward to some relaxation and running this weekend. Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and the theme is Blogs to Read.  Several of my new favorite blogs participate in this linkup so I thought I would share five fave blogs outside the Friday Five (here is my list from September 2014).  In no particular order:  1. Running the States Image: Running the States Nathasha is from the DC area and as her…

St. Michael’s Half Training 4/13-4/19 – Week 4

Happy Marathon Monday! I've been enjoying all the Boston Marathon related articles, posts and pictures from this weekend and looking forward to more today.  Now I'm super excited for marathon training to begin (Jennifer remember to look back at this post when I start complaining about how tired I am come September).  Today I am linking up with Tara at Running n’ Reading for her Weekend Update. Monday 4/13 - Rest day Tuesday 4/14 - Rest day Wednesday 4/15 - Rest day Thursday 4/16 - 2 miles + 60 minutes…

Friday Five – Brands to Love

Happy Friday! This afternoon I will be heading down to Richmond for a half marathon this weekend....just kidding...will be there for a wedding :) Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and the theme this week is Five Brands to Love. 1. Jade Yoga Image: Jade Yoga When I was looking for a new yoga mat last year my friend Laurel (also a yoga instructor) recommended Jade Yoga.  I love my mat and they come in different…

2015 Cherry Blossom 10 Miler Race Recap

This past weekend was the 43rd annual running of the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run and my fourth time participating in the race (here is my race recap from last year).  Did you know you could look up your past performances on their results page?  I like that I've improved with age :)  I entered the lottery and received the below email in December.  I've entered the lottery 4 times (2010, 2011, 2014, and 2015) and accepted 3 times or…

Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition – Planning

After a two month hiatus, welcome to the second edition of Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition!  About 1.5 years ago I started Run Jenny Run on Tumblr. Why Tumblr?  At that time it was newly acquired by Yahoo and I wanted to keep up with the latest social media it was billed as easy to use (it is).  Image: Tumblr I signed up for an account without researching other options such as Blogger or WordPress.  After a few months of blogging…

2015 Crystal City Friday 5K Recap – Race 2/3

Missed Race #1? Recap here. This past Friday was Race #2 of the Crystal City Friday 5K race series.  As you may recall I had some lessons learned from Race #1.  This time I made sure I hydrated all day and ate a banana before the race.  Like last week, the forecast called for rain so I went with a tank top, a thin long sleeved shirt, and capris.  I also wore my New York City Marathon visor for the first…

St. Michael’s Half Training 4/6-4/12 – Week 3

Happy Monday everyone! This past week was super busy, but it was SO fun!  Per usual I am linking up with Tara at Running n’ Reading for her Weekend Update. Warning: Get prepared for quite a few DC/Cherry Blossom pics! Monday 4/6- Rest day Tuesday 4/7 - Kristina's Virtual PAWS 5K+ .5 mile cool down  Wednesday 4/8 – Rest day Thursday 4/9 - 2 miles with 4 x hill repeats + 60 minutes personal training Friday 4/10 - Crystal City Friday 5K #2 Saturday 4/11 -…

Friday Five – Trips/Racecations I Would Like to Take

Hellllo Friday.....great to see you again! This weekend is full of activities and I am excited for each one of them.  Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and the theme is Trips.  Since I like to combine vacation + running, I thought I would share Five Trips/Racecations I Would Like to Take. 1. Paris  Image: Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau Last year I missed a family trip to Paris, so I would love love love to…

2015 Crystal City Friday 5K Recap – Race 1/3

The Crystal City Friday 5K is an evening race series held in Crystal City, Virginia (surprise surprise hehe). There are four races and runners can register a la carte for $20/race or register for all four for $60 and receive a free tech tee. This race series was not originally part of my race schedule. I was reminded of the series when Abby mentioned she was participating in something similar in Charleston.  A few week ago Courtney sent a tweet…