Run Jenny Run's


2015 St. Michaels Half Marathon Race Recap

The recap is here!! About 3 weeks ago I ran my 22nd half marathon at the St. Michaels Running Festival.  I actually signed up for this race in 2013, but forgot it was the same weekend as my sister's college graduation (I went to the graduation of course and DNS the race).   Image: St. Michaels Running Festival I was excited to have this half on my schedule because my friend Emily said this was a flat, fast course (it holds her current…

Chicago Marathon Training Week 1 – 6/1-6/7

One week down and many weeks to go.  The highlight of last week included swimming (yay) and the lowlight was missing some runs (boo).  I am not to worried about it, I'll be able to make it up this week.  Today I am linking up with Tara at Running n’ Reading for the Weekend Update.   Monday 6/1– 2 mile walk + 35 minutes swimming Tuesday 6/2 – 2 mile walk + 60 minutes personal training  Wednesday 6/3 – 2 mile walk +…

Friday Five – Scenes from National Running Day

This week actually went by quickly - love when that happens! Did you know today is National Donut (or Doughnut) Day? USA Today had a fun article featuring stats.  Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and sharing Five Scenes from National Running Day. 1. Constitution Gardens First stop! You may remember the name when I ran here  this past spring.  I miss the Cherry Blossoms! 2. Vietnam Memorial Beautiful and tons of school groups visiting. 3. Washington Monument It was…

Chicago Marathon Training Plan….and All That Jazz

Happy National Egg, Chocolate Macaroon, Running Day (actually it really is National Egg and Chocolate Macaroon Day as well.... read it here and here).  I'll share my Running Day adventures with you all on Friday.  Anyways... onto Chicago Marathon Training and All That Jazz <----get it? Ohhh I crack myself up.    Image: Chicago Marathon  Marathon Training Plan  The past couple of weeks I've been tinkering with my Chicago Marathon Training Plan.  Last year I signed up for the Potomac River Running…

Monthly Goals – June 2015

Last month turned out better than expected! Today I am going to recap my May goals and share my June goals.  1. Run/Walk/Elliptical 80 miles I finally did it...I ran/walked 86.7 miles (no elliptical).  Having the Fitbit definitely helped in this area.  I know my mileage was higher in the beginning of the month vs. the end of the month should be more consistent.  2. Hit 10,000 steps/day I ended the month with 424,726 steps and hit 10,000 steps/day for 27 of…

Weekly Workout/Training in Review 5/25-5/31

Hello June....hope you bring us kinder weather this month!  This morning I read May was the warmest May on record in Washington, DC...cray cray.  Today I am linking up with Tara at Running n’ Reading for the Weekend Update. Monday 5/25- 2 mile walk Tuesday 5/26 - 2 mile walk Wednesday 5/27 – 2 mile walk  Thursday 5/28 - 2 mile walk Friday 5/29 - 60 minutes yoga + 3 mile walk  Saturday 5/30- 1 mile walk  Sunday 5/31 – 1 mile walk Total: 13 miles walking This was…

Need Your Help Picking a Race!

June 1st is approaching...which means race price increases (here is an old post on Race Registration Savings Tips)! As you all know I am tweaking my Chicago Marathon training plan this weekend.  Like last year, I plan on incorporating some races as part of my long runs this summer/fall (at marathon pace).  This is where I need your help...I am torn between two races for my 20 miler weekend (not too concerned about swag): Race Option #1 - Navy Air…

Friday Five – Things I’m Looking Forward to in June

Even though this was a short felt sooo long for some reason...yay for Friday! Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and sharing Five Things I'm Looking Forward to in June. 1. Marathon Training The Chicago Marathon is a little over 4 months away (134 days to be exact).  This weekend I'll be tweaking my marathon plan (more about this next week) and excited to up my mileage over the next few months.  Am I excited about the humidity, combating…

2015 PRR Mother’s Day 4 Miler Race Recap

This past winter I purchased a race pass from Potomac River Running (4 races for $110 or $27/race).  I was looking at the PRR events page and saw they had a Mother's Day 4 Miler on the calendar - perfect! I asked my mom if she would like to participate on Mother's Day morning and she said, "yes".   Image: Potomac River Running I signed us both up (PRR issues you a race pass code upon registration and the same code…

Weekly Workout/Training in Review 5/18-5/24

Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day Weekend! Today I am linking up with Tara at Running n’ Reading for the Weekend Update (a day late ;) ) Monday 5/18- 2 mile walk Tuesday 5/19 - 2 mile walk Wednesday 5/20 – 2 mile walk + 60 minutes yoga  Thursday 5/21 - 2 mile walk Friday 5/22 - 2 mile walk  Saturday 5/23 - 60 minutes yoga + 60 minutes of yoga (yes twice) Sunday 5/24 – Rest day Total: 10 miles walking…