Friday Five – Favorite Things at the Moment IV

March 5, 2015

Happy Friday! Another snowstorm paid a visit to DC yesterday, leaving us with 4-5 inches of snow.  While I am so ready for spring, I have to admit the city does look beautiful in the snow. 


Today I am linking up with MarCourtney, and Cynthia. This week’s theme is Friday Favorites…I bring to you my fourth edition! 

1. Bakehouse Almond Rooibos Tea Latte

In my first Favorite Things at the Moment post I included my neighborhood bakery.  My friend Ali and I recently discovered their Almond Rooibos Tea Latte…soo good…actually everything there is so good! 


Image: BakeHouse DC 

2. Massaging Stick

My brother gifted me a massaging stick for Christmas.   I’ve been using this in addition to my foam roller.

3. Zensah Calf Sleeves

Been living in these after my back to back runs last weekend. I think I prefer compression calf sleeves over the compression socks. 


4.Crabtree & Evelyn Pomegranate Body Lotion

This winter my hands have been super dry. I stocked up on these the last time I went to the outlets.  

5.Red Velvet Oreos

Totally behind on this one… but SOOO good! I snagged 4 of these babies. 


Five Favorite Things at the Moment I from September 2014.

Five Favorite Things at the Moment II from December 2014.

Five Favorite Things at the Moment III from February 2015.

What is your favorite type of Oreo? 

Compression socks or sleeves? 

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Run Jenny Run
More about Run Jenny Run

      1. Run Jenny Run

        They are VERY good. I ended up keeping one, and gave one to my parents, cousin and bf. Otherwise…I would have gobbled them up πŸ™‚ I also use the compression sleeves for recovery only.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I like wearing the sleeves with flip flops around the house. You are right, these are perfect for warmer weather.

    1. I hate to admit this, but I love the Root Beer Float Oreos. They were sooooo tasty. I had to stop buying them, because I couldn’t put them down. lol
      Snow makes everything look so gorgeous. I love that picture. But I hope you get a break soon.
      Haley recently posted…National Day of Unplugging – 2015My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I’ve never heard of Root Beer Oreos… I’ll have to look out for them. Hope you had a good weekend.

    1. I love my massage stick! My foam roller is in rough shape after years of use and dog attacks (not sure what Maddux has against it!) and I feel like I do better with forcing myself to use the stick πŸ™‚ TWO WEEKS!! Just saying πŸ™‚
      Lindsey recently posted…Friday 5: FavoritesMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Woo hoo!! I ended up getting a Trigger Point roller and really like it. See you soon!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Smells so good.. their avocado lotions smells great too.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I am very lucky to have them nearby, the owner is really nice. Will be interested to hear what you think of Zensah. I find them to feel different from Pro.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Yes! I’ve noticed my calves have been achier this training cycle, and the sleeves have been great for recovery.

    1. I will have to agree, the snow is pretty to look at initially. Now, it needs to disappear! For Oreos, I’m a plain jane…I like the original. I’ve never tried compression socks, but I love my Zensah calf sleeves too. Have a great weekend! πŸ™‚
      Stephanie recently posted…Friday Five – March 6, 2015My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha I agree. The first few hours… oh so pretty…. now not a fan of the slush. I am hoping Saturday and Sunday’s weather melted most of it. Can’t go wrong with the original.

    1. Love that photo of the White House! Looks so pretty in the snow.

      Zensah compression sleeves are my fave, and I like that I can change socks or just wear slippers.
      Jess recently posted…Great ExpectationsMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Jess! Very close to my office, so I took a detour when I walked home on Thursday. I like wearing the sleeves with slippers too πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I like using socks for very cold recovery days. Hope you like the sleeves when you try them out.

    1. Ah, the White House looks so pretty in the snow! I love how snow can make any setting look timeless.

      I am dying to try those red velvet Oreos! My favorite kind of Oreo is the original, though those red velvet ones might change my mind…

      I like compression socks over the sleeves. I just like the look better. πŸ™‚
      Molly @alsoranagain recently posted…5 Favorite Things Right NowMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Molly. Hope you find them…good thing is that they are smaller in size (packaging) and not available year round (but if they were… I wouldn’t mind). I could see how one would prefer the sock look over the sleeves πŸ™‚

    1. That tea latte looks so good! I wish more places offered tea lattes – they are so delicious!

      I’m a compression socks type of girl. I wear them during some longer workouts, runs longer than 14 miles and during pretty much every race!
      Sun recently posted…Friday Favorites: The Run EditionMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Agreed! I usually go for chai teas, but been trying to expand the tea palette a bit and glad I did. I’ve never used the socks for a run, I should try it one day to see how my legs feel.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Can’t go wrong with the original. My bf picked up birthday cake this week…very good too!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Oh nice! I will definitely email you. Thanks Courtney!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Jenn! Hope you guys have already dug out! Luckily the weather this weekend melted alot of the snow.

    1. Jenny, I think I love compression sleeves more than socks, too; I don’t like for my feet to get hot (it’s weird), so I’d much rather be able to have just the compression part, rather than having to wear the sock part, too. Also, I like to race in my sleeves and wear whichever socks I want! I love your Zensah ones and look how cute your toes are – eeeek!! That tea latte looks amazing. Hope you have a fantastic weekend; maybe we’ll thaw out!
      Tara @ Running ‘N’ Reading recently posted…Friday FavoritesMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Tara! Hope you had a great weekend. Haha… I stretch out my pedicures…easier to do in the winter when the feet are covered up most of the time.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I’ve never used them for running (except to keep them warm for a few short runs) – will need to try it out to see if I feel a difference.

    1. i love the birthday cake oreos! i haven’t tried the red velvet ones yet, but everyone is talking about them, so i may have to hunt them down.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I just tried the Birthday Cake Oreos this weekend – just as good. I saw they have Golden Birthday Oreos as well.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Chocolate dipped Oreos sound GREAT! Mint oreos are really good – I’ve used them in truffles.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha… it was hard to stop! I did end up giving away 3/4 cartons I purchased…otherwise my waistline would have been very mad at me!

    1. I’ve been seeing those red velvet Oreos all over the blogosphere! I want to try them, but will have to wait until after Easter since I gave up sweets for Lent. Normally, if I’m going to eat cookies, I prefer homemade ones.
      Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…My Most Memorable Snow DaysMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        That is a good idea to give up sweets for Lent. Nothing beats a yummy chocolate chip cookie. Have you ever made chocolate chip covered oreo?

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I’ll be interested to see poll of socks vs. sleeves vs both πŸ™‚ Seems about split for this post.

    1. I need to try the Red Velvet Oreos. Everybody has been talking about them. I have some Zensah calf sleeves that are so tight I can’t wear them. They fit better on my arms. I guess I ordered the wrong size! I do have some basic black ones I wear all the time. I have no idea what brand they are!
      HoHo Runs recently posted…Friday FavoritesMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        They are very good – hope you find them. I like the Zensah arm sleeves as well.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha – true… does have a macabre look to it. This past weekend it was so warm after the long run I had an Iced Chai Tea Latte..yum!

    1. What a lovely photo of the White House and those Oreos look good! I’ve never tried compression anything, but I’m starting to think they might feel pretty good and maybe help my fiance after standing 60-70 hours each week on his feet.

    1. Oh, yeah. Those Red Velvet Oreos are pretty good. To be honest, I just like the filling in Oreos, so I will buy Double Stuff, remove and toss one of the chocolate cookies and eat the rest LOL.

      Love the color of those calf sleeves!
      Jenn recently posted…weekly recap: 3/1 – 3/7My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        The filling is my favorite as well! Thanks, the mint color is pretty soothing.

    1. I love my Zensah compression socks! They are a fun pattern and they give just the right amount of compression. I am not a fan of Oreros (ahh! I know…).

      Karen @karenlovestorun
      Karen @karenlovestorun recently posted…Slowing DownMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I definitely like their material – less stiff than Pro Compression. Its okay.. plenty of other cookies out there to love πŸ™‚

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