Friday Five – Things Ten Years Ago

June 26, 2015

Yayyy for Friday! This weekend I will be running the Baltimore Women’s Classic 5K with the madre…I think this will be her first 5K haha. Will I see you there this weekend?  Today I am linking up with Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia and the theme is “Five Things I was Doing Ten Years Ago”.  I was pretty stoked about this theme – I immediately dug into my email archive, old photos, and Kodak Gallery album to piece together what I was doing ten years ago.  Note: Facebook albums was released later that year…weird….I’ve had Facebook for almost 11 years). 

1. School

A couple of weeks ago I attended my 10 year college reunion…..which means 10 years ago I was a freshly minted graduate.  Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City, was our commencement speaker.  Sadly, I do not recall much of his speech… except for a Yankees reference (alot of my classmates were from New York).

2. Work

I was wrapping up my spring/summer internship in McLean, Virginia before starting my new full-time job in Baltimore, Maryland.  Below is a group pic from my internship that I found in the Hotmail archives.

3. Technology

I was phasing out my AOL email address and Hotmail was my #1.  I actually created my brand new Gmail account that summer – although it did not become my primary email address until 2009.  AIM was still pretty cool and I had a Samsung flip phone (color screen…fanccyy….actually it was a hand me down from my younger brother).

4. Living

At home with my roommates – mom, dad and my sister!

5. Running + Funning

I ran my second race ever! It was the Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure 5K in Washington, DC.  I remember the (huge) cotton t-shirt and running through DC.  I looked up my time on Athlinks (digital footprints are both awesome and scary) and I finished with a time of 35:15.  I love that I am faster than my 22 year old self 🙂

Image: Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

On the fun side… I was lucky several of my college friends stayed in the area following graduation.  We would venture into DC on Friday or Saturday nights and hang out in Adams Morgan or Georgetown.  Below is one my favorite pics from that summer.

Who was your high school or college commencement speaker?

Ten years ago – did you have an AOL, Hotmail, Gmail or Other email addy?

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Run Jenny Run
More about Run Jenny Run

      1. Run Jenny Run

        It is nice to know we’ve improved with age. I suppose Susan G Komen was the most accessible and recognized 5K at the time, appears that was a popular first race for several people.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I remember they use to have packet pickup at the malls, too! Hope you are having a great time in CO.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Exactly – I remember when everyone was so upset about Newsfeed and days when the profile was just that…a profile (no collaboration, messaging).

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Wow! Double-digits, can’t believe he will be 10 soon. Hahah FB was confusing at first!

    1. I have no clue who my college commencement speaker was. Too long ago. I think I have a picture somewhere… I’ve used my work email as my general email for soooo long that I never felt the need to have a personal one, until just recently. 10 years ago I was getting ready to go on a trip to Jamaica and had not yet run my first step. Good luck with your 5k!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Jamaica is a fun memory! I don’t remember my high school commencement speaker, I think Guiliani was an easier name to remember. Would be nice to have one email account vs. several!

    1. I’d say 75% of us were hung over at my college graduation (2007) and the other 25% were still drunk so I don’t remember what our commencement speaker said. I was in the back with my last name and I think we just talked and cut up the whole time. It was insanely boring! I actually listened at my husband’s graduation bc they had a good speaker who made references to pop culture and the songs that were popular then (2012).

      I wasn’t on FB 10 years ago because it was only open to college then and my college was too small for it! We finally got it in late 2005 ;). I was a myspace girl back then.

      It’s so neat you’ve been running races for 10 years!
      Amy Lauren recently posted…Run the Runway 5K (22:43)My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I was near the end as well! After they finished the UG exercise we had to sit and listen to the Masters degree candidates (for another 2 hours). I went to the restroom, took a senior class paper and read in my chair. During my masters graduation I remember people watching TV shows on their phone for time to pass (and that time we had to wait 3-4 hours for the UG candidates). I had a MySpace account after FB, but deleted it shortly after (too many to juggle haha).

    1. Oh, my gosh, this is so horrible; I graduated in 2005, as well, and I have no recollection of who our commencement speaker was – hahaha! Oh, well. I think I was just glad to have it done! I love these pictures of you; so cute!! My very first race, post-high school track, was a Race for the Cure 5K; isn’t that funny? I hope you have a great weekend, Jenny!
      Tara @ Running ‘N’ Reading recently posted…Friday FiveMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Yay, 2005! I think my speaker was pretty easy to remember. I don’t remember the name of my hs commence speaker…oops! Funny several of us had Race for the Cure 5K as our first or second race 🙂

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha my mom used her AOL account for the longest time, she just uses the internet provider account now vs. gmail or hotmail.

    1. oh gosh, you made me think! I have no idea who my commencement speakers were!! I had Verizon email 10 years ago. I’ve always just gone with my internet provider! Though I think I did have a Yahoo account at one time or another – you know for fantasy football 🙂 I’ll see you on Sunday!!
      Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Friday Five: A Look BackMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        My mom and dad (after they left AOL) go with the Internet Provider as well. I forgot about Yahoo (oops…since I use it for March Madness and FF).

    1. How cool that you graduated from Loyola! We didn’t have a cool speaker at my Towson graduation (last year)…I definitely had myspace 10 years ago, but I didn’t have facebook until ’07. I tried to log into my old myspace to find photos for my post but didn’t have much luck! Part of my profile was still public though, which is a little worrying!
      Sam @ See Sam Run recently posted…13 year old Sam (Friday Five)My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Oooh I think I deleted my old MySpace account…but it could have been deactivated. I should try to see if I could log in to it. Ah funny you went to Towson – I spent many afternoons at the mall while in college 🙂

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Throwback Fridays are fun! I saw you ran the National Press 5K on your blog, never ran that one before!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Based on your post – sounds like a 10 year reunion would be alot of fun with you and your friends!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Hopefully you can run next year 🙂 I’ve never run in Fed Hill before so it was a nice treat.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha…wasn’t memorable I suppose. I also had a heavy AIM presence.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I wish I had some pictures from that day! My parent’s still go with the internet provider address. I use my hotmail account as my shopping email 🙂

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Wow – so awesome! Now that one would be difficult to forget 🙂

    1. I’m so impressed you’ve been running 10+ years! That is awesome!

      I had a hotmail account back in the day but now can’t even remember the login. Haha. I also used AOL and instant messenger all the time. The good ole days 😉
      Sun recently posted…Countdown to Chicago Rock ‘n’ Roll 10k!My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks, Sun! I was not good at training back then – I would sign up for races to make sure I was getting excercise…but was not very good about it. I wonder if I can log into AIM, I guess HS/College kids don’t use them nowadays with all the apps.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha exactly! Oh boy… I almost forgot about my MBA commencement speaker.. I think it was an EY executive.

    1. Ahh I love these memories! 10 years ago means I had lived in Baltimore for just 1 year at that point. I’m pretty sure I still hated it back then! So crazy to think about my 26 yr old self.
      I actually am not running the BWC this year! It kind of snuck up on me and I haven’t been training so I didn’t sign up! I’m going to miss it. It really is such a fun run. Have a great race with your momma! Can’t wait to see pics!
      Jill recently posted…Fitness Friday: Why I Work OutMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        It was a fun race! I was about to start MS…crazy I was there ten years ago. The new building (I guess kind of old now) looks so nice.

    1. OMG Thinking back to my cell phone back then…… I think I had the motorola razer. Do you motor? lol I was using a Dell computer and I was running with a mp3 player from Samsung that held maybe 15 songs. bahahahah…… Wow, time has changed so much.
      Thanks for the look back.
      Haley recently posted…10 years ago…..My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Oooh you were ahead of the game! I think I got a moto the following year or two. I also had a dell desktop – remember it dying so quickly.

    1. Ha, I had hotmail 10 years ago and I STILL have it! I am afraid to change cus I feel like so much of my stuff is associated with that address!

      Good luck to you and your mom this weekend!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        So true! I use my gmail for personal communications and hotmail for everything else. Thanks, Meranda!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I love Athlinks! So fun to see all the races you’ve participated (until then I forgot I ran a particular race certain years).

    1. I thought Spike Lee was our commencement speaker, but Google informed me that he just received an honorary doctorate at our graduation. Goes to show the impact our speaker had on me. 😐

      I hadn’t jumped on the Gmail train just yet. One of my friends sent me something with his email address listed with, and I thought it was a joke! Definitely still had AOL and Hotmail back then. *Maybe* even Yahoo! Who knows?! Now I need to write my 10 years ago post!
      Lex @ Flecksoflex recently posted…My First Half Marathon: The Annapolis Running Classic 2015My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Ahhh, but he was sitting with ya’ll to receive the degree, right? Still counts 🙂 Haha it did seem like a joke. I remember you had to get an invitation to receive a gmail account.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Exactly! I’ve attended my siblings high school graduation and I remember one of the speakers said “you won’t remember me or what I am saying….”

    1. omg I totally forgot about AOL. I remember doing like a live chat with one of my best friends that had moved away. We’d talk all night on the AOL instant messenger? We’d also play a live game online..slingo? I think this was more than 10 years ago though maybe. Ha, the memories are coming in now (sort of)……..FUN! Cool that you could find those great pictures and your 2005 email from gmail!!
      Diane @runninrocker recently posted…Five Things I Was Not Doing Ten Years AgoMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha slingo was great! Did you ever play the game snood? I am not a it was funny to troll through the emails 🙂

      1. Run Jenny Run

        What a memorable commencement speaker! I hope you had a great weekend.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        That is an interesting commencement speaker! Hehe I use my hotmail for the same thing 🙂

    1. I have no idea who the hecks my commencement speakers for high school or college were. 😡 My brother managed to get Michelle Obama to come to his school though! :O

      Yay for gmail! I had mine for ages, but didn’t really start using it regularly until around 2010. 😡 I was on yahoo for ages (and technically still am, but much less so, hehe)!
      Farrah recently posted…Foodie Friday: Cinnamon PB Protein BallsMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Oooh so fun your brother had Michelle Obama! She must have been good. I didn’t fully adopt until grad school (since everyone was on it – network effects).

    1. Lol AOL , wow that was a while ago! Too funny! Fun memories you had! My college commencement speaker was some poet laureate. He was actually pretty boring from what I remember and I had never heard of him.
      Sharon recently posted…#1MillionMinutes With SweatPinkMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        You got mail! Remember those discs that would come in the mail? Aww too bad your commencement speaker was boring. Hopefully your sons will have good speakers in the future 🙂

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I should log into my AOL address and she what’s in there 🙂 Ahhh living in England must have been great! Time goes by so quickly!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        So neat you’ve called Charleston your home for more than 10 years now! I can’t believe I’ve been in DC proper for almost 5 years.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Haha that Samsung flip is probably at my parents house. I should keep a tiny box of old tech stuff to share (like a time capsule).

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