Some of you already know (or figured out through comments) that the Chicago Marathon is my top choice for a fall marathon. Why Chicago?
Image: Chicago Marathon
- The obvious – a flat and fast course.
- I’ve never visited Chicago.
- Would be fun to run five of the six World Marathon Majors. I do not think I will ever qualify for Boston (hence 5/6)…I know never say never…I’ve read some great success stories (while I fully support the charity runners, I do not see myself taking that entry route).
- Deep dish pizza, of course!
I’ve been stalking their Facebook and website for the past couple of weeks months for 2015 registration information. I think the NYC Marathon experience (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) spoiled me… their social media/website was always updated. I digress….back to Chicago….
Yesterday, organizers made a tiny update (the entire site has not been scrubbed of 2014 information) that “the lottery entry period will be open for six weeks starting in March. The dates and times for the lottery entry period will be available in February.” This means lottery confirmation will occur in April.
The Marine Corps Marathon (my backup and my first marathon) is held a couple of weeks following Chicago, but announces lottery status ahead of Chicago. I wish the lotteries were conducted according to marathon date….oh well. I will enter both and see what happens:
- IN – Chicago; OUT – Marine Corps (fine with me)
- OUT – Chicago; IN – Marine Corps (this works + plus it’s MCM’s 40th Anniversary)
- IN – Chicago; IN – Marines Corps (decisions decisions-defer one, run both?)
- OUT – Chicago; OUT – Marines Corps (need backup #2)
Are you entering the Chicago lottery this year? Have guaranteed entry?
October/November – backup #2 suggestions?