Year in Review – 2015 Running by the Numbers

December 31, 2015

Happy New Years Eve! If you have been following my Running by the Numbers posts the past couple of years (2013, 2014) I usually include Excel charts of all things numbers from the past year (races, distances, times).  This year I thought it would be fun to make an infographic and link up with Courtney – Eat Pray Run DC for the Year of Running 2015.  Enjoy!

2015 Running by the Numbers(1)

Compared to 2014, I would say 2015 was an average year – it was a mix of lows and highs.   Looking at the past two years, I tend to have my best races in the March/April timeframe and kind of fizzle out at the end.  Time-wise I think I improved slightly, but I still need to conduct an analysis of my times (and will write a post).  I know for sure I was speedier in the 5K in 2014 vs 2015.  I am making some changes in 2016 and will share them in the new year 🙂

Although 2015 was not what I imagined it to be, it was still fun and memorable:

  • Marathon Manic (well technically not since I’m still haven’t joined) – Chicago and Marine Corps 2 weeks apart.
  • Amazing cheer squad of mom, Beverley and Cliff at the Chicago Marathon.
  • Ran 3 half marathons in different states (SC, PA, DE) with my friends Emily and Nathasha (plus Gerri and Rach).
  • Traveled and participated in 7 races with my mom.
  • Ran the Love Run Philly, Cherry Blossom, and Dulles Runway + numerous training miles with my friend Rachel.
  • Ran a new to me 8K with my cousin Chris – thanks to the cousin cheering squad of Steph, Jordan and Ian!
  • Toed the line at 6 different races (some were doubles) with Kathryn from Dancing to Running.
  • Drove to Balti for 3 races this year **waves** to Alyssa, Rafael, Mar, and Sarah.
  • Runs, races, workouts, brunches galore with the Oiselle ladies…both near and far! Met some amazing new friends/teammates this year. Thanks to our leads – Jackie, Colleen, Courtney, and Prianka for a great year!
  • Catching up with friends at races + meeting Alexis, Amy, Abby, Colleen, Coco, Cynthia, Erika, Kathleen, Sara, Britney and Tracy M. for the first time!
  • J&A and Annapolis Running Classic ambassadorships.
  • All around best travel buddy and supporter in Cliff – too many to count.

Happy New Year and thanks for following along!

Year in Review – 2014 Running by the Numbers

Year in Review – 2013 Running by the Numbers

What was your favorite race this year?

What distance did you race the most this year?

PS – Recaps and other posts still coming, promise promise.

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Run Jenny Run
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      1. Run Jenny Run

        I was surprised at the number as well! Next year will try to keep it under 20 😛 Hope 2016 is starting off with a bang!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        You should! Hope you are having a great start to the new year.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I know! I was surprised. To many more races in the future 🙂

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Agreed, so glad we got to run together and see each other in Chicago 🙂

    1. What a great year Jen! Hope to do another race with you in 2016 (+ lots more ?)

    1. I love your running by the numbers infographic – so pretty!!!!

      I can’t deny that I was hoping to see all of the charts and graphs you created last year though. The data nerd in me really loved that, haha! 😀
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