My Next Marathon – Jenny Runs _____________

January 6, 2016

After the Chicago (Part 1, Part 2) and Marine Corps Marathons I spent November and December relaxing, going on fun runs/races, attending yoga classes and hiking. I looked at my calendar and realized I ran three marathons in a year (Nov 2014-Oct 2015), crazy!  What’s next?  Rewind nine months ago. 

I was dreaming of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, croissants, baguettes and practicing my Francais.  A couple years ago I missed a family vacation to Paris because of a work project.  The 2016 Paris Marathon would be an amazing destination marathon and also coincided with their 40th Anniversary! I read Sue’s recaps and was sold.  I signed up in April (at the lowest cost) and told a couple people of my plans. I was emailed this cute electronic bib upon registration.  

Right before Chicago I had a change of heart.  Although I really really wanted to visit Paris, I was neither physically (my quad) nor mentally prepared to go through another marathon training cycle (historically I’ve had my best training cycles in the winter/spring).  The next time I run a marathon I want to finish strong with a huge PR, which means, I need time.  So what is my next marathon? Berlin! 

Image: BMW Berlin Marathon

Yes, you read that correctly…another fall and Abbott World Marathon Major! I signed up for the 2016 Berlin Marathon through Marathon Tours.  I was hoping to enter via lottery, but missed it by 6 hours! It was a SILLY mistake on my part – I logged in on November 1st (last day to enter) at 11:30PM EST to find out it was already closed.  WHAT?!  Then I realized this is the Berlin Marathon….it was already November 2nd in Berlin. 

I learned I could still run the marathon through a (1) charity partner or (2) marathon tour partner.  I emailed my friend/old manager JR and he highly recommended MT.  I checked with Cliff if he was interested in visiting Germany next fall and he was down.  A flat course, racecation, and new country to visit – yes please! My mom/dad gave me some travel books for Christmas so it has been fun skimming through those.  My runner-ups were: Chicago, Wineglass, and Philadelphia.  

The past couple of months I had a lot of time to reflect and think about the areas I need to improve.  Yesterday I shared my Chicago Marathon – Numbers and Lessons Learned.  Tomorrow I will share my 2016 goals and the changes I will make to meet them! 

Have you visited Berlin or Germany before? 

Have you run an international race before? 

PS – Bonne chance to Karen as she trains for her first marathon, Paris! 

PPS – I’ll be using #jennyrunsberlin once I formally start training πŸ™‚ 

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Run Jenny Run
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      1. Run Jenny Run

        Super excited! Six other birds heading to Berlin as well, will be fun πŸ™‚

    1. ahhh how exciting! i almost went to berlin when i was staying in amsterdam, but i decided to go to a few cities in belgium instead. not so much a regret, since belgium was amazing, but i still wish i could have gone. i’m excited to live vicariously through you!
      brittney @ corral b recently posted…my biking backstory.My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I’m excited! Belgium…ooh I’ve never been there (so many places to go), but would love to one day.

    1. Cool! Berlin sounds like a great race.

      I ran internationally once: The Newton Aycliffe 10k in England (near where my husband’s family is from). My husband and I ran it together and we were shocked that everyone running it were serious runners and fast! We were used to 10ks in US where there are a lot of walkers and people running for fun. IT was fun though and the speedsters inspired us.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Fun you were able to run the Newton Aycliffe 10k before. Interesting to hear that the entrants were very serious and fast! I wonder what the growth has been like internationally with casual/rec runners. I just looked at last years results, my time would have put me near the end, when usually I would be in the 75%.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Tara! Very excited and will tell you ALL about it at Bird Camp πŸ™‚ (Torrie too).

    1. Fabulous choice Jenny and I will enjoy following along since I hope to run Berlin in 2017. The city of Berlin is a very interesting place and lots of touristy things to see and do. You need to plan to visit some additional cities after the race! Congrats and have fun training and planning for this amazing racecation!
      Pam recently posted…A Plan for a Healthier KneeMy Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thank you, Pam! I am very excited and have been reading the travel guides my parents gifted me. Cliff is very excited about Munich (Oktoberfest) and hope to add in a couple more cities while we are there. Looking forward to your London adventure! I tried donating, but for some reason my cc rejected. I will have to try again using another.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks, Kathryn! I agree πŸ™‚ If schedule permitting I think I may choose Dulles Runway vs. Manassas Runway – would love to run both, but trying to stick to my “minimize the schedule” rule for myself πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thank you, Jenn! Only item I haven’t really researched for Berlin is the weather, but I’ve done it all now, right? The Philly half make work for November, will let you know if I end up signing up for it (then I can cheer you and others on). Maybe be a fall decision πŸ™‚

    1. That sounds awesome! I wanted to run Berlin too, but the lottery wasn’t kind to me. HOWEVAH, I’m kind of okay with how it all turned out. I’m moving across the pond in the late summer and I think the timing of that and Berlin would have just overly stressed me out. There’s always next year – it’s definitely on my bucket list, along with Paris, London, and a whole slew of Euro runs πŸ™‚

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Paris and London are also on my bucket list! Oohhh moving across the pond? Where to? I can see moving + training for Berlin would have caused additional stress. Ahhh too bad I won’t be doing Shamrock this year.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        I’m sure you will hear all about it this year haha. Will also need to hear how Paris goes for your aunt/uncle this spring.

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Kristen. Excited you will be running your marathon this year!

    1. Those races sound AMAZING!! My Dad won an entry into the Dusseldorf marathon but after figuring out how much it would cost getting there, room and board he decided against it. (The drawing was at the MCM Expo.) He’s run a 10k in Paris and he really enjoyed it. Be careful of the different kinds of pavement and the French have a different view on water than we do. (They don’t put as much of an emphasis on drinking it as much as Americans.) So if you have a water belt or camelbak, it might not be a horrible idea to bring it if they allow it!
      I’m hoping to run a race in London on our family trip this year. I’ve got my fingers crossed that Nike will time it just right so it happens while we’re there!
      Holly F recently posted…Wrapping up 2015!!My Profile

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks Holly!! Would love to run a race in Paris and London one day. I hope Nike works out for you. Good to know about hydration. I usually carry a handheld, but I would like to explore using a camelbak (or backpack type hydration system) this summer.

    1. I think I saw you post about Berlin on Instagram or somewhere the other idea. I must have missed this post because I had no idea! haha

      What a great idea to do Berlin, I bet it will be an incredible experience!

      1. Run Jenny Run

        Thanks, Kristina!! If I wasn’t doing Berlin, I would have been back at Chicago with you πŸ™‚

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